Cookie Consent

We may also store information about
you by using cookies.

A cookie is a small file which is downloaded onto your computer (or any other device) when you visit a website. In common with many other websites we use cookies to assist us in operating the website. Cookies enable you to remain logged into the website without the need to re-enter your user credentials/personal data. Cookies help us track website usage when you log into the secure area and display information relevant to you. Cookies will automatically be removed when you log out of the website or close your Internet browser.

You can choose to disable the use of cookies when you visit our website. You can do this through your browser settings. You can find more information about rejecting cookies from . However, if you do reject cookies this may prevent you from accessing/using certain sections of our website.

Contact Details

ResX Ltd
800 Mandarin Court,
Centre Park, Warrington,

Tel: 01925 358 186

Last Updated
Date: 30/03/2021

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